Getting started


To use Sylvia follow the installation process for the CosmWasm core.

Verifying the installation

To guarantee you are ready to build your smart contracts, you must ensure you can build examples. Checkout the sylvia (opens in a new tab) repository and run the testing command in its folder:

$ git clone
$ cd sylvia
sylvia $ cargo test

You should see that everything in the repository gets compiled and all tests pass.

Sylvia framework contains some examples of contracts. To find them go to examples/contracts directory. These contracts are maintained by CosmWasm creators, so contracts in there should follow good practices.

Macro expansion

Sylvia generates a lot of code for us, which is not visible right away. To see the generated code, go to examples/contracts/cw1-whitelist/src/

In VSCode you can click on #[contract], do shift+p and then type: rust analyzer: Expand macro recursively. This will open a window with a fully expanded macro, which you can browse.

In Vim you can consider installing the rustaceanvim (opens in a new tab) plugin.

You can also use cargo expand tool from CLI, like this:

sylvia/examples/contracts/cw1-whitelist $ cargo expand --lib

Generate contract from template

To make Sylvia contract easier to setup we created the sylvia template (opens in a new tab).

cargo generate CosmWasm/sylvia-template

You will be prompted to provide project name. Once you choose it you are ready to go.